Thursday, March 29, 2012

Relationships and Social Media

There are quite a few people who would rather not discuss their relationship on social media sites. Which is perfectly fine. The less people in your relationship, the better. I choose not to discuss my relationship, however I don't make it a secret that I'm in one.

I love my boyfriend, I really do! God sent him at the PERFECT time. He is exactly what I need in my life. Now, I mention him from time to time on twitter but I don't give out our day to day happenings like when we're mad at each other, etc. I even give him a nickname; I just call him "C".

Monday, March 19, 2012

Fat Day

This is monumental... I'm doing 2 posts in one day.

I had to this post cause I feel awful.

I feel FAT today. Not P.H.A.T. (Pretty Hot and Tempting) but FAT, OBESE, MY CLOTHES ARE TOO SMALL.

As mentioned in the previous post, I went home this weekend and I ate, ate and ate some more. Now, I'm feeling the after math.

I need to go to the gym after work BUT I have a paper to write for school. I bought the Jillian Michaels 30 - Day Shred. I'll get to it one day. Tonight, I'll be eating healthy. I'm thinking salmon and spinach.

Just had to get that off my chest.

Baton Rouge

Oh Dear Baton Rouge, Louisiana.... how I miss thee.

I do quite a bit of traveling for my job and I hate it. When I do have to travel my family graciously baby sit my son for me. The ONLY problem with that is that they live in Baton Rouge. Baton Rouge is a 7 hour drive from Atlanta. Sometimes I fly which is a lot better but that's money I have to spend on a flight and since my son is 2+, he has to have his own ticket *sigh*. My perfect job would be to make the salary I make now (or more) AND 0% travel. Traveling for work gets OLD, really fast. Plus, the places I travel for my job are not the greatest.

If you would like to read about my weekend (which I'm sure you do :) ) click the link.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Anniversary/Baton Rouge

So this is a sad story. My boyfriend and I's anniversary was Monday, March 12. The sad part about this story is that BOTH of us forgot. Shameful. I was out with friends that night celebrating a promotion while he was at home editing some photos he had taken. (he does photography on the side). I had to travel for work Tuesday through Thursday and as I sat in my hotel room Tuesday, I had to look up a date and that's when it hit me. So i called him and we decided to celebrate it when i got back in town Thursday.

Our little celebration was nice and casual, just the way I wanted it. He had dinner and drinks at Barcelona, the food as great. We didn't take any pictures. Come to think of it we hardly have any pictures of us together. Hmmm we definitely need to work on that. I'm not really into taking pictures and he's more of a "behind the camera" guy. The picture to the right was on our first day of being an official couple. We were at Paul Deen's restaurant in Savannah, GA (our first trip). We've taken many trips since then.

Moving right along... We're headed to Baton Rouge today after work to pick up my little man. My mom came to get him last weekend so now it's time for him to come home! I miss him so much. My boyfriend says he comes with me cause he doesn't want me driving by myself but i know it's because he wants to get some good eating in.

Well folks until next time...

Monday, March 12, 2012

First Things First

So today is the official first day of my blog. I'm excited and nervous. I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now but never found the time. So, I decided to make the time.

First things first; let me introduce myself to blog world. My name is Courtney. I'm a single mommy to the love of my life. I have a wonderful family (back in Louisiana). I have a fabulous group of friends. I have a B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering and I am in school for my M.B.A. I'm also a girlfirend; my boyfriend and I bump heads a lot but I'm happy to have him in our lives. I'm also trying to be more consistent with working out (it's a struggle for me) and cook more healthier.

Just as the title states, the blog will be random. My goal is to post at least twice a month then work towards once a week and heck who knows, I may start posting every few days. The bottom line is I need a new hobby, another outlet, so blogging shall be it.